servicenow benefits

Sales Executive

As a sales executive, we don’t need to tell you that the buck stops with you. You are ultimately responsible for the success, health and growth of your sales team and your ability to improve win rates and drive revenue.

As sales trends move towards increasingly customized and personalized outreach and the wider sales ecosystem gets more and more complex, managing the sales process through spreadsheets, databases and disparate apps isn’t going to cut it.

You need a single, streamlined quote to cash platform to manage your full sales lifecycle.

We’ve worked with sales organizations around the world and studied the best practices of the most successful sales executives and teams. We built what we learned into SalesWon to create the easiest way to manage sales on the NOW Platform.

With SalesWon, you get:

  • A clean, easy to navigate CRM that your sales team is happy to adopt
  • Real-time access to critical account, rep and enterprise data
  • One centralized place to process and analyze data across the full enterprise. No more data silos!
  • Customizable dashboards and reports
  • A flexible platform that allows you to implement repeatable sales practices and, at the same time, quickly and easily scale when needed
  • Built-in CPQ for a single cash to quote process
  • Seamless integration with Customer Service for a 360 degree experience


servicenow support
SalesWon Intro
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servicenow support
SalesWon Use Case Increase Revenue
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servicenow support
SalesWon Use Case Implement New Quote
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servicenow support
SalesWon Features
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